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4 galleriesPhotographs of college: campus life, student portraits, classroom, and campus.
4 galleriesConceptual photo illustrations and portraits of issues and concepts including science, the environment, and religion.
6 galleriesPhotographs of sports: environmental portraits, action, feature, and stadium construction.
54 imagesThe college experience: studying, classroom, campus life, dorms, night life, protests, dance, music, exercising, college newspaper, campus security, groups, and graduation.
13 imagesPortraits of creative people: graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers.
127 imagesEnvironmental portraits of people from business, sports, education, religion, medical, politics, and the arts.
12 imagesSecond Harvest Food Bank workers and volunteers at the headquarters and outreach programs.
31 imagesMedical images: labs, classrooms, workshops, engineering, med school, interns, morgue, and surgery.
87 imagesTabletop studio still lifes of medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific instruments and devices.
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17 images
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38 images